Network Marketing
Nowadays marketing with network system (network marketing) has become a world trend and it has been proven effective to accelerate the distribution of a company's products to consumers, especially in the coming decade is a fantastic industrial development of the industry of Health (wellness industry), which selarans with paradigm Back To Nature. All that is possible because the latter has emerged a generation into the lifestyle trendsetter who could become an engine of the global world economy, namely Baby Boomers. Paul Zane Pilzer, one of the world economic observers had predicted this in his book The Next Trillion.
Tiens Group International (Tianshi Group)
TIANSHI GROUP at the beginning of 1993 stood still use the conventional system in pemasrannya. New in 1995 adopted a system Tianshi Network Marketing and sales increased by 400% ditahu 1997. Tiens has registered its brand in more than 100 countries, and its business affiliates have spread to more than 200 countries. At the end of 2000 Tianshi into Indonesia. Currently, the development Tianshi has the proven experience extraordinary acceleration in the whole world. According BIOSPACE, a medical nutrition business website, sales of Tianshi products in the United States increased by 700% in 2004 (see
Tianshi Legality
Tianshi legality as a company that uses network marketing system is characterized by the entry of Tianshi in membership APLI (Direct Selling Association of Indonesia) at the national level (see and WFDSA (World Federation of Direct Selling Asotiation) at International level ( see Even today Tianshi already registered on the AMEX (American Stock Exchange). Registration Tianshi into the stock market in the United States is not only affirm the existence and credibility of Tianshi, but also a sign of seriousness Tianshi for long-term business and open (View admin For more details about the brand and positioning as a company Tianshi International scale bias seen on the official website Tianshi and that can be accessed in different languages.
Tianshi Products
Tianshi product is a combination of modern technologi biological essence of the book of secret recipes of ancient Chinese medicine (the yellow emperor's classics of internal medicine), which has 5,000 years old and is protected by the government of the PRC whose rights have been bought by Tianshi petennya. John Hellerman, an herbal nutrition expert from the United States who has written 58 books on health states that Tianshi product as a Revolutionary Health products are proven to be able to change the lives of many people. In addition to already registered in the POM and the Health Department, Tianshi products also have obtained quality certification from the U.S. FDA (see, as well as halal certification from the Islamic Religious Council of Malaysia. How to Quickly Get a Reward Program (CCMR) Referring to the Plan Tianshi marketing advantage not shared by other similar companies, namely: 1. Turnover accumulated indefinitely 2. Rank will not go down 3. Valid Lifetime Membership and can be inherited. And with the Quick Get Reward program then there is an opportunity that allows us to reach the rank 8 (the highest national ranking) in a short period, to then reach the rank internasionaldan entitled to a passive income in the form of an international sharing bonus calculated based on turnover Tianshi around the world who shared a lifetime and can be inherited. This is one program that we refer to as Solution Programme. In principle, this program is intended for those who are too busy with existing pekerjan, but want to run the Tianshi business and gain maximum benefit with minimal time and effort. This program is run by the existence of bias hanyaa Team Player yan solid. And we already have a Team Player who has the full commitment, integrity and experience in running this program.
Network Marketing
Nowadays marketing with network system (network marketing) has become a world trend and it has been proven effective to accelerate the distribution of a company's products to consumers, especially in the coming decade is a fantastic industrial development of the industry of Health (wellness industry), which selarans with paradigm Back To Nature. All that is possible because the latter has emerged a generation into the lifestyle trendsetter who could become an engine of the global world economy, namely Baby Boomers. Paul Zane Pilzer, one of the world economic observers had predicted this in his book The Next Trillion.
Tiens Group International (Tianshi Group)
TIANSHI GROUP at the beginning of 1993 stood still use the conventional system in pemasrannya. New in 1995 adopted a system Tianshi Network Marketing and sales increased by 400% ditahu 1997. Tiens has registered its brand in more than 100 countries, and its business affiliates have spread to more than 200 countries. At the end of 2000 Tianshi into Indonesia. Currently, the development Tianshi has the proven experience extraordinary acceleration in the whole world. According BIOSPACE, a medical nutrition business website, sales of Tianshi products in the United States increased by 700% in 2004 (see
Tianshi Legality
Tianshi legality as a company that uses network marketing system is characterized by the entry of Tianshi in membership APLI (Direct Selling Association of Indonesia) at the national level (see and WFDSA (World Federation of Direct Selling Asotiation) at International level ( see Even today Tianshi already registered on the AMEX (American Stock Exchange). Registration Tianshi into the stock market in the United States is not only affirm the existence and credibility of Tianshi, but also a sign of seriousness Tianshi for long-term business and open (View admin For more details about the brand and positioning as a company Tianshi International scale bias seen on the official website Tianshi and that can be accessed in different languages.
Tianshi Products
Tianshi product is a combination of modern technologi biological essence of the book of secret recipes of ancient Chinese medicine (the yellow emperor's classics of internal medicine), which has 5,000 years old and is protected by the government of the PRC whose rights have been bought by Tianshi petennya. John Hellerman, an herbal nutrition expert from the United States who has written 58 books on health states that Tianshi product as a Revolutionary Health products are proven to be able to change the lives of many people. In addition to already registered in the POM and the Health Department, Tianshi products also have obtained quality certification from the U.S. FDA (see, as well as halal certification from the Islamic Religious Council of Malaysia. How to Quickly Get a Reward Program (CCMR) Referring to the Plan Tianshi marketing advantage not shared by other similar companies, namely: 1. Turnover accumulated indefinitely 2. Rank will not go down 3. Valid Lifetime Membership and can be inherited. And with the Quick Get Reward program then there is an opportunity that allows us to reach the rank 8 (the highest national ranking) in a short period, to then reach the rank internasionaldan entitled to a passive income in the form of an international sharing bonus calculated based on turnover Tianshi around the world who shared a lifetime and can be inherited. This is one program that we refer to as Solution Programme. In principle, this program is intended for those who are too busy with existing pekerjan, but want to run the Tianshi business and gain maximum benefit with minimal time and effort. This program is run by the existence of bias hanyaa Team Player yan solid. And we already have a Team Player who has the full commitment, integrity and experience in running this program.
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