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Senin, 31 Januari 2011



OPENING The progress of school institutions can not be separated from science and technology that greatly affect the lifestyle of the people especially the younger generation. The rise of electronic devices such as: Computer, CellPhone, VCD as a new mindset change among the younger generation according to what is seen. Technological advances must be balanced degan an increase in the ability of Human Resources (HR), to the multi-media is a tool to increase competitive advantage in education. Competition is what makes the school should be able to capture the aspirations of the community, with the expectation of service satisfaction from the school.
School is a place / forum to educate and form the students into the human person is powerful, broad-minded and not easily give up for the challenges of globalization are very complex.
To improve the quality of schools, junior 6 Yogyakarta Muhammadiyah need to build cooperation with other agencies ~ who care about education. In a long term cooperation based on the Human Resources (HR) that are reliable with relevant institutions to be invited along the same ~ think improving the quality of education. One of these efforts is the role of the community to ensure democracy and transparency.
In accordance with Rule Mayor of Yogyakarta No. 36 of 2007 on Guidelines for Establishment of the School Committee, that the purpose of establishment of the School Committee is to; 1. Increasing participation and responsibility of Local Government and all its components including the Alumni and Community Education Providers in the Education Unit. 2. Embody and convey the aspirations and community initiatives in the delivery of operational policies and programs to improve education operation that produces output (output) quality education at the Education unit. 3. Creating an atmosphere and conditions conducive environment Education Unit in order to support the Teaching and Learning. 4. Creating a conducive atmosphere of transparency, accountability and democratic in the operation and service quality Education in the Education Unit. Hope Junior High School 6 Yogyakarta with the establishment of the School Committee has the quality and sustainability of the school becomes joint responsibility of all components / community schools and surrounding communities.

~ O ~
Article 1.
This committee is named "School Committee" SMP Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta 6.
Article 2.
Junior High School School Committee at the address 6 Yogyakarta JL. KH. Wachid Hasyim 87, Kalurahan Notoprajan, District, Ngampilan, the city of Yogyakarta, Yogyakarta Province. Tel. (0274) 374.720 55 262 Zip Code.
Article 3.
School Committee SMP Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta 6 is based on Pancasila and 1945 Constitution and the Holy Qur'an and Al-Hadith on the basis of kinship, deliberation and consensus.
Article 4.
School Committee SMP Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta 6 aims to establish; 1. Internal relationships; Strengthen a sense of kinship. Increase cooperation among members. As a vehicle to increase the quality of schools in order to aim the system SBM (School-Based Management). Equate perception between schools with community residents and the environment in order to implement the government kenijakan especially the Ministry of National Education.
2. External Relations Cooperating with agencies ~ government agencies related to education. Cooperating with agencies ~ private institutions or agencies engaged in the field of Education. Formed a partnership with individuals, community leaders who have concern for the education.

MEMBERSHIP & stewardship
Article 5.
Membership Committee 6 Yogyakarta Muhammadiyah junior high school is a member of the school internal and external members of the school.
Article 6.
1. The definition of internal member schools is: composed of personnel Dikdasmen PDM Yogyakarta City Council, teachers and employees of SMP Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta 6. 2. The definition of associate member schools are: community leaders, employers and alumni and parents / other personnel who have a concern tehadap Education.
Article 7.
1. Membership is derived from the internal stop when school; a. Over the task / working mutations. b. Completed his term. c. Died.
2. Kenggotaan originating from outside the school stop when; a. Resigned. b. Mutation / move tasks. c. Completed the term of office and duties as caretaker. d. Died.
Article 8.
1. Junior High School Management Committee Muhamamdiyah 6 Yogyakarta school official elected by the meeting or conference plenary meeting of members. 2. Board selected and approved by the Head of SMP Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta and head 6 Education Office of Yogyakarta city. 3. In the transition period for the enactment of this statute, the Board is completing terms of office. 4. Junior High School Management Committee consists of Yogyakarta Muhammadiyah 6; a. A chairman / vice chairman. b. A secretary / deputy secretary. c. A treasurer / deputy treasurer. d. Member ~ member comprising; i. Sexy business. ii. Section sarpra. iii. Education section. iv. Sexy publicist. v. Assistant general.
Article 9.
1. The term of office of management committee Muhamamdiyah 6th Junior High Schools in Yogyakarta is 3 (three) years. 2. Can be re-elected the old Board no later than 2 (two) times and the concerned are willing to re-election. 3. During the new board has not been established, the old board still carry out their duties until the newly formed executive boards.
Article 10.
Each member of the Committee on Junior High School Muhamamdiyah 6 Yogyakarta has the same obligations and rights.
Article 11.
1. Liability Committee 6 Yogyakarta Muhammadiyah junior high school is; a. Obliged to obey and uphold the articles of association and bylaws of the School Committee. b. Mandatory active role in implementing the program. c. Shall attend a meeting or meetings of members. d. Must maintain and achieve a sense of kinship and togetherness among members. e. Mandatory appreciate suggestions, opinions, attitudes and fellow founding members.
2. Right to School Committee member SMP Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta is 6; a. Opinion orally or in writing. b. Elect and be elected. c. Holding the board in the management of the organization at a meeting of members. d. Receive compensation if an accident / disaster.

Article 12.
Daily management junior high school Rights Muhamamdiyah 6 Yogyakarta; 1. Chairman is authorized to represent members of either inside or outside. 2. Chairman and secretary are entitled to invite members held a meeting. 3. Management reserves the right to take steps that do not conflict with the bylaws and not detrimental to the interests of members and the School Committee.
Article 13.
1. Management must plan, develop, implement and evaluate programs of the School Committee 6 SMP Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta established in the decision of the plenary meeting. 2. Management must ensure keterlaksanaan bylaws. 3. Board members must raise awareness to understand the School Committee. 4. Executive shall account for program policies.
Article 14.
The decision of the School Committee is in the meeting of members.
Article 15.
1. School Committee Meeting ~ Meeting 6 SMP Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta consists of; board meeting and the meeting of members. 2. Meeting of members held at ~ least 1 (one) times a year 3. Full board meeting held at ~ least 4 (four) months. 4. Daily board meeting held incidental if deemed necessary.
Article 16.
1. Meeting of Members considered valid if they meet the quota forum that is attended at ~ least half of the total members plus one. 2. If not meet, the meeting suspended.

3. If necessary to take urgent decisions outside the regular meetings held and attended by at least ~ 20% the number of members.
Article 17.
1. The decision taken by deliberation and consensus. 2. If no way of deliberation and consensus is reached, then the decision taken by popular vote in the polling (voting). 3. Voting is done by way of an open, except when it comes to individuals held in private.
Article 18
School Committee SMP Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta 6 planning, implementing and evaluating activities;
1. Realize the program of activities of the School Committee 6 SMP Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta. 2. ~ Along the same school and other relevant parties, carrying out government policy in education. 3. Cooperative Study. 4. Provides compensation to members / officials of the unfortunate. 5. Carrying out joint activities to improve quality and student achievement ~ SMP Muhamamdiyah 6 Yogyakarta. 6. Coordination and empowering the participation of human resources with relevant agencies. 7. Deliver proposal suggestions, opinions input to the SMP Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta 6 for improving school quality.

Article 19.
1. Finance available from; a. Contributions parents / guardians of students. b. Donations from individuals / agencies / institutions that are not binding and other business agreed. 2. Finance implementing the program used to finance activities of the School Committee 6 SMP Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta.

1. This ~ Another thing that has not been regulated in the articles of association (AD), will be arranged in the household budget (ART) School Committee. 2. The bylaws have been prepared by the board daily and ratified at the meeting of members. 3. The articles of association shall be valid after the enactment. 4. Defined in a meeting of the Committee on Junior High School 6 Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta, to date, ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 6 Yogyakarta Muhammadiyah junior high school.

Approved and signed by;

SMP Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta,

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