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Minggu, 06 Februari 2011

Herbal Clinic

Indonesian to English translation

Herbal Clinic
I. Introduction
Overview Herbal Clinic Herbal Clinic is a container business in the areas of health that combine ancient Chinese medical culture that has been aged 5000 years ago by modern bio-technology, namely in the form of modern nutrition, which has gained global recognition in over 200 countries and gain international recognition as well from FDA, WHO and POM, safe, natural, modern, no side effects and proved his recovery and is registered in the Health Department and have the halal certification from the Selangor Islamic Religious Majlis Majlis Ulama Malaysia and Indonesia. Nutrition has also obtained ISO 9001:2000 international quality system.
Why Chinese Medicine Superior? There are 4 basic why Chinese medicine is still a superior, because there are few things as follows: a). History of 5000 Years. Techniques of Chinese medicine began 5000 years ago, and started in off around 2500 years ago in The Yellow Emperors Classics of Internal Medicine, means that Chinese medicine has been tested from generation to generation, efficacy has been felt from time to time. So it is not exaggeration to say that Chinese medicine, the efficacy has been proven its safety is guaranteed because it has been tested for thousands of years. b). Standard Treatment Trial The Emperor and The Man. History of Chinese medicine, was originally developed to cure the emperor. If the emperor's illness, the doctors would gather the people who have diseases with similar symptoms and try a variety of alternative medicine that works and then given to the emperor will be accrued and recorded. That is, the ancient Chinese recipe, healing a priority, so that automatic quality becomes the primary consideration rather than profit. c). Principle of Balance, Harmony And Natural. One important thing in the technique of Chinese medicine is the human body seen as a natural part of interacting between the organs of the body and with nature. Because the balance between humans and the environment becomes very important. If there is harmony in the interaction that then there is health, in contrast to disharmony will bring disease. d). Roots Of Overcoming Illness Not Due to Disease. In modern medicine, each disease is given drugs or therapies to fight germs or causing the disease, while Chinese medicine prefers to build the balance of the body so the body is able to fight disease or germs. In Chinese medicine, to cure a disease we must normalize the relevant organs, so that there is a cure a disease or complaint to cure diseases or other complaints, not the reverse, cure a disease but complicated to other diseases.
Phase Chinese Medicine With Modern Technology a). Phase I - Cleaning. That is the stage where the body is cleaned of fat or toxins in the blood and digestive tract, usually the first stage takes approximately 1 month during treatment. b). Phase II - Balancing. That is the process for balancing the body of the deficiency and mineral your body needs. Because of this imbalance can cause the body vulnerable to disease. In this second stage usually requires a period of therapy for about 1 month. c). Phase III - Activation. That is the process to enable the organs in the body are important, such as kidney, pancreas, liver, intestines, lungs and heart. This usually requires the therapy for 1 month. d). Phase IV - Strengthening. That is the stage after an active organ, the body must have the endurance and vitality are strong so that it can survive the disease. In this case the body usually requires the therapy for about 1 month.
By the fourth stage in Chinese medicine, this body is actually made to function normally and have their own durability. And against the illness, the body is expected to fight alone. So the benefits of the use of this Nutrition products other than to cure the body also has the durability and high vitality.
e). There is one additional nutrients, namely: Active genes nutrition Nutrition is a special function to launch a clogged blood vessel and against the gene that is not normal. This usually requires the therapy for about 1 month too.

II. How You Can cashed-up and Own Your Own Herbal Clinic?
a). You have a Herbal Clinic with a total initial capital of Rp. 54,100,000 (Fifty-four million one hundred thousand rupiah). 1. You get: - Modern Chinese Medical Instrument - Herbal Nutrition - Aids in the form of tapes, CDs, books, etc. - Card member organization of  21 empty fruit 2. Your initial advantage is to be refunded your initial capital fund of  USD next month. 13 million by the company as a bonus early. 3. The advantage is you get your next month: - Commission a fee of 2% of product sales per month. - You get the profit price (consumer prices) by 15% per product. - Bonuses - any additional bonus per month. 4. With the system and accompanied by a consultant, you are in shaping the organization's sales team as well as your customer team. 5. You are at the stage 5, 4 stage again you in the position of passive income 1% of stock turnover Tiens world.
b). You have a Herbal Clinic with a total initial capital of Rp. 188.5 million (One hundred and eighty-eight million five hundred thousand rupiah). 6. You get: - Modern Chinese Medical Instrument - Herbal Nutrition - Aids in the form of tapes, CDs, books, etc. - Card blank organization members as much as  85 7. Your initial advantage is to be refunded your initial capital fund of  USD next month. 63.38 million by the company as a bonus early. 8. The advantage is you get your next month: - Commission a fee of 2% of product sales per month. - You get the profit price (consumer prices) by 15% per product. - Bonuses - any additional bonus per month. 9. With the system and accompanied by a consultant, you are in shaping the organization's sales team as well as your customer team. 10. You are at the stage 6, 3 stage again you in the position of passive income shares of 1% of turnover Tiens world.
c). You have a Herbal Clinic with a total initial capital of Rp. 726.1 million (Seven hundred and twenty-six million one hundred thousand rupiah). 11. You get: - Modern Chinese Medical Instrument - Herbal Nutrition - Aids in the form of tapes, CDs, books, etc. - Card blank organization members as much as 341  fruit 12. Your initial advantage is to be refunded your initial capital fund of  USD next month. 278 million by the company as a bonus early. 13. The advantage is you get your next month: - Commission a fee of 2% of product sales per month. - You get the profit price (consumer prices) by 15% per product. - Bonuses - any additional bonus per month. 14. With the system and accompanied by a consultant, you are in shaping the organization's sales team as well as your customer team. 15. You are at the stage 7, 2 steps back you in the position of passive income 1% of stock turnover Tiens world.
d). You have a Herbal Clinic with a total initial capital of Rp. 2,876,500,000 (Two billion eight hundred and seventy-six million five hundred thousand rupiah). 16. You get: - Modern Chinese Medical Instrument - Herbal Nutrition - Aids in the form of tapes, CDs, books, etc. - Card member of the organization as much empty fruit  1365 17. Your initial advantage is to be refunded your initial capital fund of  USD next month. 1.204 billion by the company as a bonus early. 18. The advantage is you get your next month: - Commission a fee of 2% of product sales per month. - You get the profit price (consumer prices) by 15% per product. - Bonuses - any additional bonus per month. 19. With the system and accompanied by a consultant, you are in shaping the organization's sales team as well as your customer team. 20. You are at the stage 8 (highest nationally), 1 step back you in the position of passive income 1% of stock turnover Tiens world.
Initial capital and the velocity of your product, will be accumulated on without any time limit, the stages you'll never go down and charred, and profits - your profits can be inherited.
Beyond the cost of the above, you must own or lease a property in the form (Houses, Buildings, office, the property may represent a good image for Tiens Group International Company in which the minimum available: 1. Meeting Room 2. Tables - Table Presentations 3. Chairs - Chairs Participants Presentations 4. Reception desk 5. Display Shelving Products & Tools 6. Public Facilities (parking, toilets, Beverage Dispenser Light, Etc.)
And have professionals to service Herbal Clinic itself. Ensuring availability of sufficient product to meet demand. (For the rotation of the product is taken from products you already pointkan when you start with a minimum of stage 5).

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